The Karnataka government has introduced a scheme for the youth of Karnataka named as Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme. The government of karnataka has launched this state scheme which is applicable in only karnataka state. Under this Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme government will provide financial benefits to all the unemployed youth of the karnataka state who have completed their degree or diploma course and still they are unemployed. In this article we will discuss Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme, Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Eligibility, Document Required for registration, Scheme Benefits, How to make Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration, Direct Link for Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration.
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme
A new scheme named Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme has been launched by the government of karnataka for the benefit of the youth across the karnataka state. All the beneficiaries of this scheme will receive financial support from the government under this scheme. All the eligible and interested youth can fill out their application form to get the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Benefits on the Under this scheme all the eligible beneficiaries will receive a Rs. 1500 to Rs. 3000 per month beneficiary amount. The Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Application Link for the scheme will be activated by the board on seva sindhu website. The application for the scheme was invited from December 26, 2025. Into the bank account of the beneficiary youth the beneficiary amount will be directly credited i. The main motive of the government behind launching this scheme is to provide financial support to all unemployed youth of karnataka who had completed their degree or diploma course is the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Eligibility. All the youths who are unemployed after 180 days of compilation of degree or diploma but still they are unemployed. The beneficiary amount will be received by the youth upto 2 years.Â Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration
Name of the scheme | Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme |
Launched by | Karnataka Government |
Beneficiary | Youths |
Launched year | 2025 |
Beneficiary amount | Rs. 1500 to Rs. 3000 |
Application started from | December 26, 2025 |
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Eligibility | degree or diploma course |
Mode of Application | Online |
Scheme launched in | Karnataka State |
Amount given | Directly credited into beneficiaries bank account |
Motive of the scheme | To provide financial support to all unemployed youth |
Category | Yojana |
Official Website | |
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Eligibility
All the applicants of this Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme must fulfill their eligibility criteria to be the beneficiary of this scheme.
- The beneficiary of this scheme must be a permanent resident of karnataka state.
- The beneficiary amount will be directly credited into the ak account of the beneficiary so all the applicants had to register their bank account.
- All the beneficiary youth must pass their degree or diploma course in the state of karnataka to be the beneficiary of the scheme.
- The youth of thai scheme who had enrolled their name in other similar schemes in other states of India.
Document Required for Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration
- Ration card
- Aadhaar Card
- PU and SSLC Marksheet
- Certificate of Income
- Registration Card of Employment
- Mobile number
- Permanent certificate
- Bank Account
- A passport size photograph
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Benefits
- The main motive of the scheme is to provide financial support to the youth of the state.
- Under this scheme all the youth who have a degree or diploma will get financial assistance.
- The beneficiary amount will be received by the beneficiary every month.
- All The degree holders who are unemployed after 180 days of compilation of their degree will receive a financial incentive of Rs. 3000 per month.
- All diploma holders will receive a financial support of Rs. 1500 per month
- The Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Benefits amount will be directly credited into the bank account of eligible candidates.
- The eligible youth of this scheme can fill out their application form online or offline in booth modes.
Guide To Do Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration
By going on the seva sindhu website you can make Registration for Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme. By following the given instructions you can register your anime for Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme.
- To go on the seva sindhu website, you need your choice of web browser.
- The seva sindhu website’s web page will be shown. Make a click on the new user registration by scrolling down the page.
- on the opened page enter your captcha code and Aadhaar number.
- A Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration will be opened on the page. On the registration form fill in all the details.
- A registration Id and password will be sent by the board on your registered mobile number and email address.
- Use the ID and password to login application form. Fill the details on the application form and submit it.
Direct Link To Apply For Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme | Direct Link |
FATs on Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme
When is the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration link activated?
The Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration link activated from December 26, 2025.
Who will be the beneficiary of this Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme?
All the unemployed youths of Karnataka state will be the beneficiary of this Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme.
What eligibility is needed to get the benefit of this Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme?
All the youths who are unemployed after 180 days of compilation of their degree or diploma course but still they are unemployed are eligible to get the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Benefits.
Where can I fill out my Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration?
At you can apply for Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Registration.
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